Thursday, June 16, 2011


Sleeping DAP MP misleads people




The Ministry of Tourism is going to enhance the competitiveness of tourism in Malaysia. The Ministry of Tourism aims to expand our advertising channel to allow more people to participate in domestic tourism. So we have decided to follow the needs of current times by fully utilizing the social media to promote our tourism industry.

The RM1.8 million is to run a social media advertising campaign, to build the brand of Cuti-Cuti 1 Malaysia through our 6 events. This amount is spent on creating, developing, implementing, running, monitoring and data collection. It is not about the Facebook. They are entrusted to do the whole range which is billboards, television, radio. Now we are moving into social media advertising. See what he said, tourism spent RM1.8 million to establish a fan page. Of course everybody will get angry because Facebook cost nothing.

You see his efforts. He asked me to explain but I want to ask him if he was sleeping in Parliament last night. He was there when the Deputy Minister answered the question very clearly, so why did he skip so many facts? So he is purposely distracted. He has not once stated the answer given in the parliament.
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